Alisha Soedamah

Designer + developer Portfolio

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Projects (Wip)

Selected works 2023 - 2024

More is coming soon ✨


The Unplugged meeting is a monthly gathering at the end of each month at my former internship, Rōnin AMS, created as a moment to disconnect, unplug, and pause for reflection on the projects of that month. During these monthly gatherings, the creative members of the team take the initiative to create cover art and present their creations during the meeting. Since it was my last month at Rōnin, I wanted to create my own cover art and present it. After discussing the idea with my internship supervisor, she liked the idea and gave me the thumbs up.


Initially the idea came to me pretty fast, I was going to create a cover art with creative coding. Generative computer art always amazed me and I always wanted to create my own but never had a reason to use it. Although I did not have a lot of knowelge on the subject I had a whole month to figure it out. In the end I got a lot of inspiration from: Open Processing.

Monitor with progress on the coverart

Finished product

Closing words

I am grateful to have had the privilege of learning something new whilist actively working on my presentation skills. I want to thank my previous internship once again for the amazing opportunity and I will continue using p5.js for future projects.


Jong & Proud is a working group within the COC Central Netherlands for young LGBT+ adults between the ages of 18 and 30 years old in Amersfoort. Jong & Proud aims to create a safe place in Amersfoort to host meetings together and support each other. I approached the owners of Jong & Proud with a proposal to redesign their website. Recognizing the need for a fresh website they agreed.

More is coming soon ✨


I got to create an online style guide for the Rōnin employees. This guide goes into depth on the Rōnin brand and is searchable so that it's easy to find anything you are looking for. The previous iteration of the style guide was a static PDF document. We agreed that it would be handy to have an online version of the brandbook for efficiency's sake.

More is coming soon ✨


More about me

Hi I am Alisha 👋, a designer/developer based in the Netherlands. Here you will find my creative works such as: posters, school stuff and other (personal)projects I have worked on during the past year. My interest in design was sparked during my final internship for my studies. Throughout this Internship I got to design a lot of things with my team and ended up really enjoying finding creative solutions from a visual standpoint. This lead me to persue the bachelors programme: Communication Multimedia Design (CMD). I have a background in Software Development, which I did during my secondary vocational education. Nowadays, I continue to do development as a hobby.

Poster Archive